#5 Center Drill Diameter

E Drill Bit

It is obviously preferable to import files directly from your steel detailing software because it eliminates an unnecessary step and also eliminates possible incorrect data capture. There are two separate and distinct camps in this respect:

AC Unit on Electrical Cabinet. - The unit can be mounted on the cabinet�s High power (480v), side. It is in close proximity to the location that the drives are located. This option maintains the cabinet temperature and speeds up heat dissipation. All axes' servo drives are the major contributors to heat within the electrical cabinets.

Even for those with little or no computer or CNC experience, programming the CNC Drill Line is easy and intuitive.

Voortman offers training courses at their Bradley Illinois facility on all Voortman equipment. These courses are for both new and experienced operators. The facility's graduates return to their shops highly motivated, trained, and ready to increase productivity. For pricing and details, please call.

Cnc Drill Line App

Cnc Drill Line App

We have been developing solutions and machines for steel fabricators over 50 years. As a solution to decreasing labor supply and rising labor costs, we are focusing on automation. Our goal is to reduce production costs and increase profit margins. Voortman CNC Beam Drilling lines can provide the best in productivity, accuracy, and reliability. Our CNC Beam Drill Lines incorporate many functions, such as drilling and milling, marking and countersinking. They also allow for thread-tapping and other tasks to improve productivity and optimize workflow. Voortman provides a comprehensive range of Beam Drill Lines for all types of production.

Based on the current pricing of the different suppliers, we believe the customer is better off getting good quality Ocean Penetrator twist drilling bits and a sharpener.

Yn Drill

Yes. Outside, we have many CNC Drill Lines. It is important to provide weather protection for both the control panel, and the moving mobile platform. To view photos from many of the outside installations we have, please feel free to contact our office.

Based on the pricing at the various suppliers, we believe that the customer will be better off purchasing good quality Ocean Penetrator drill bits and a high quality sharpener.

Yn Drill

Cnc Drill Line Wire Rope

Yes. We have many CNC Drill Line installations outside. However suitable weather protection must be provided to the control panel and moving mobile platform. Please feel free to contact us to see photos from many of our outside installations.

Automatic Edge Finder - This edge finder can either be used manually (Jogging Mode & Screen Button), programmatically with M & G codes, or fully automated as a dedicated program. This option allows you to adjust offsets and rotate the program to match the orientation and position on the cutting table.

E Drill Bit
Cnc Drill Line Youtube

Voortman-designed beam drilling lines have intelligence not only in their own capabilities but also in the fact that they can be plugged into any environment because of their modularity. Tandem solutions, such as band saws with robotic coppers or PeddiWriters, expand the shop�s throughput positioning. It allows for a more cost-effective approach when the steel sector cools down and a more aggressive one when it heats. Voortman invented the Multmaster, which can be used to advance small parts into a tandem-bandsaw. Fabricators are more profitable when they use the whole profile and minimize the remnant. Do you want more output? Check. Material handling is key to any Voortman CNC drill-line profit. Fabricators not only lose money when a profile is manually moved but material handling is far safer than using fork trucks and cranes to move the largest profiles.

Peddimat can be mastered in less than an hour, even if it is the first time you have used a computer.

Yn Drill

Check our other pages :

K-tool Drill Mill

The Franklin HD145 (3) spindle CNC drill, with 44-inch width capacity. The HD-145 handles beams up to 750 lbs per foot. The hi-performance spindle design provides drilling capabilities up to 2,000 RPM. This rigid design provides extremely aggressive feed rates up to 300 surface feet per minute. The Franklin HD145 can be provided with several material handling packages from 300 lbs per foot, to 750 lbs per foot.

Voortman built the CNC Drill Line only for GSS Machinery. Voortman manages the installation, warranty and maintenance of the CNC Drill Line. Voortman is the service provider. GSS Machinery is available to help if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

A cobalt-blend drill bit is the best for drilling hardened metals or steel. This alloy includes 5% to 8% cobalt. The cobalt is a part of the steel mixture, so it doesn't wear away with a coating (like titanium bits).